When we first launched chilling chakra perfume and body cream on the market our customers were very surprised - how can it work? But buying it once, they came back for it again, because their problems were little by little solved!
Why does this work? The perfume and cream contain natural essential oils selected by a professional aromatherapist and Ayurvedic specialist, so that they would solve the problems of each particular chakra.
Essential oils are known for thousands of years and are used to treat and diagnose many diseases, including depression, emotional disorders, insomnia and so on.
How to choose perfume? Read about all 7 chakras and find out do you have particular problem.
Muladhara chakra. You should use this perfume or body moisturiser if you have any issues with security, safety, physical identity and aspects of self grounding or if you need support and foundation for living.
Swadhishthana chakra. The sacral chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral functions: Emotions, feelings, relationships, expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure, creativity, fantasies.
Manipura chakra. You should use this perfume or body moisturiser if you have any issues with expression of will, intellectual abilities, assessing the pluses and minuses in life, personal power, ability to implement ideas and plans into reality.
Anahata chakra. Anahata "The Heart" chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics: capacity to love, integration, bridge between earthly and spiritual aspirations, transcending personal identity and limitations of the ego, experience of unconditional love and connection with all, heart-centered discernment, appreciation of beauty in all things, experiencing deep and meaningful relationships.
Vishuddha chakra. Vishuddha "The Throat" chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics: expression, in particular ability to express your truth, to speak out, communication, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal, external or internal, connection with the etheric realm, the more subtle realms of spirit and intuitive abilities, propensity to create, projecting ideas and blueprints into reality, realising your vocation, purpose, good sense of timing.
Ajna chakra. You shoul use this perfume or body moisturiser if you have any issues with vision, intuition, perception of subtle dimensions and movements of energy, psychic abilities related to clairvoyance and clairaudience especially, access to mystical states, illumination, connection to wisdom, insight, motivates inspiration and creativity.
Sahasrara chakra. Sahasrara "The Crown" chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics: consciousness, awareness of higher consciousness, wisdom, of what is sacred, connection with the formless, the limitless, realisation, liberation from limiting patterns, communion with higher states of consciousness.